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Music Notes for September 17, 2023

Hymn of the Day: “Where Charity and Love Prevail” ELW 359
Text: Latin hymn, 9th cent.; tr. Omer Westendorf, 1916–1997, alt.
Tune: TWENTY-FORTH, attr. Lucius Chapin, 1760–1842

The hymn “Where charity and love prevail” is appropriate for this day. Especially stanzas 4-5 fit well with the day’s emphasis on communal forgiveness. The hymn derives from the ninth-century chant “Ubi caritas,” and many Christians sing it during the foot washing on Maundy Thursday. This translation of the classic text was crafted by Omer Westendorf, a Roman Catholic musician.

In its first publication, in A Collection of Tunes, 1812, under the name TWENTY-FORTH, it is attributed to Lucius Chapin, but Lucius attributes it (under the name ORANGE) to his brother Amzi in an 1812 letter to Andrew Law.

Offertory Anthem: “With A Voice of Singing” Martin Shaw (1875-1958)

The text is Isaiah 48:20 and Psalm 66:1. These verses are used together as an Introit in the mass. Shaw’s works number more than three hundred published pieces, of which this church anthem, originally published 100 years ago, is an enduring favorite. It is scored with a quotation from Vaughan Williams’ “For All the Saints”. Composer, conductor and producer, Martin Shaw was of the Holst and Vaughan Williams generation of composers who was key in reviving public interest in the work of Purcell. He was also a co-founder of the Royal School of Church Music. He once toured Europe as conductor to dancer Isadora Duncan and was briefly engaged to the daughter of theatrical star Ellen Terry.

With a voice of singing declare ye this, and let it be heard, Alleluia!
Utter it even unto the ends of the earth. The Lord hath delivered His people, Alleluia!
O be joyful in God, all ye lands.
O sing praises to the honor of His name, make His praise to be glorious.
With a voice of singing, declare ye this, and let it be heard, Alleluia!

Opening Voluntary: “Listen, God Is Calling” Anne Krenz Organ (1960)

Anne Krentz Organ is a composer and church musician serving as the Director of Music Ministries at St. Luke's Lutheran Church in Park Ridge, IL.

Anne is the primary composer of Setting 12, a musical setting of the liturgy found in All Creation Sings, the recently published hymnal supplement of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Additional liturgical compositions are included in Evangelical Lutheran Worship and the three volumes of Music Sourcebooks: Lent and the Three Days; Advent through Transfiguration; and Life Passages.