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Home Worship for November 15, 2020

Dear members of God’s family at Resurrection Church,

Today, we turn our attention to Stewardship Sunday at Resurrection Lutheran Church, but more importantly, today’s readings point us yet again to Jesus Christ and the promised reign of God made manifest in Christ. If you are able, join the congregation with your own worship at home at 10am on Sunday or otherwise en- gage our home worship resources in ways appropriate to your circumstances at home.

Worship Service

A pre-recorded worship service, complete with readings, Pastor Linman's sermon, prayers, and music will broadcast at 10am on Sunday, November 15, on our YouTube channel and will be available below:

Worship material for November 15, 2020

The following have been posted to YouTube; here is the YouTube Playlist for November 15, 2020:

Music Notes

Hymn of the Day: “Lord Our God, With Praise We Come” ELW 730
TEXT: Petter Dass (1647-1707), Peter A. Sveggen, tr. (1881-1959)
TUNE: ROMEDAL, Norwegian traditional

The tune, ROMEDAL, is named for a village in Stange, Hedmark. The phrasing and accents of this traditional Norwegian tune match the text. The meter is the only one of its kind in this worship book. The hymn text is part of Petter Dass’s lengthy commentary on the first petition of the Lord’s Prayer.

Musical Meditation: “Let All Things Now Living,” David Cherwien

Although the tune ASH GROVE is very popular, found in many hymnals and set to many texts, the tune is most often associated with “Let All Things Now Living.” It is a Welsh harp melody made known outside Wales by a succession of harpists in the 17th-19th centuries.

David Cherwien, Artistic Director of the National Lutheran Choir, a nationally known conductor, composer, and organist. Is known for his contributions to the field of church music and liturgy, he is in demand as a clinician and hymn festival leader across the country.