Dear members of God’s family at Resurrection Church,
Today we hear the story of Joseph and Mary’s visit to the temple where they encountered the prophetic messages of Simeon and Anna about their son, Jesus. As you will come to know through today’s readings, there are messages for us as well. If you are able, join the congregation with your own worship at home at 10am EST on Sunday or otherwise engage our home worship resources in ways appropriate to your circumstances.
Worship Service
A pre-recorded worship service, complete with readings, Pastor Linman's sermon, prayers, and music will broadcast at 10am EST on Sunday, December 27, on our YouTube channel and will be available below:
Worship material for December 27, 2020
- Home Worship Bulletin for December 27, 2020
- Children's Bulletin for December 27, 2020
- The transcript of Pastor Linman's Homily
The following have been posted to YouTube; here is the YouTube Playlist for December 27, 2020:
- Musical Meditation: Divinium Mysterium, Richard Purvis
- Psalm 149, Mark Mummert
- Pastor Linman's recorded Sermon
- ELW Hymn #272, “Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming
Dear members of God’s family at Resurrection Church,
Now we celebrate the Nativity of our Lord, when God’s word was made flesh to live among us full of grace and truth. Engage this resource for worship at home and accompanying videos as you desire on Christmas Eve and/or Christmas Day. God bless your worshipful celebrations at home.
Worship Service
A pre-recorded worship service, complete with readings, Pastor Linman's sermon, prayers, and music will broadcast at 5pm EST on Thursday, December 24, on our YouTube channel and will be available below:
Worship material for December 24-25, 2020
- Home Worship Bulletin for Christmas 2020
- Children's Bulletin for Christmas 2020
- The transcript of Pastor Linman's Homily
The following have been posted to YouTube; here is the YouTube Playlist for December 25, 2020:
- Choir Anthem: Zebulon M. Highben, “The Lord Shall Come and Not Be Slow”
- ELW Hymn #272, “Lo! How a Rose E’er Blooming”
- Solo Anthem: John Jacob Niles, “What Songs Were Sung”, Thomas Mugavero, tenor
- ELW Hymn #290, "Go Tell It on the Mountain"
- Choir Anthem: John Huston, arr., “What Is This Fragrance?”
- ELW Hymn #289, "Angels We Have Heard on High"
- Solo Anthem: Robert Lehman, “I Sing of a Maiden,” Darwyn Banks, Tenor and Claire and Carole Smith, Flutes
- Choir Anthem: Robert Lau, “Prepare the Way, O Zion”
- ELW Hymn #267, "Joy to the World"
- Anthem Duet: French Folk Song, “Sing, O Sing, This Blessed Morn”, Lee Ann Kostantinov, soprano and Valerie Saba, alto
- ELW Hymn #295, "Of the Father’s Love Begotten"
- Solo Anthem: Peter Cornelius, “The Three Kings”, Gary Roebuck, baritone, Lee Ann Kostantinov, Valerie Saba, Darwyn Banks, Tom Mugavero, Clark Person and Robert Verdile, choral ensemble
- Pastor Linman's recorded Homily
- ELW Hymn #283, "O Come All Ye Faithful"
- ELW Hymn #281, "Silent Night, Holy Night"
- Organ Postlude, Adolphus Hailstork, Toccata on “Veni, Veni Emmanuel”
Ms. Angie has a new message for the children of RELC! Click below to view:
Dear members of God’s family at Resurrection Church,
Today we hear the story of the Annunciation, when the angel Gabriel announced to Mary the good news that she would give birth to the holy child through whom our salvation would come. If you are able, join the congregation with your own worship at home at 10am EST on Sunday or otherwise engage our home worship resources in ways appropriate to your circumstances.
Worship Service
A pre-recorded worship service, complete with readings, Pastor Linman's sermon, prayers, and music will broadcast at 10am EST on Sunday, December 20, on our YouTube channel and will be available below:
Worship material for December 20, 2020
- Home Worship Bulletin for December 20, 2020
- Children's Bulletin for December 20, 2020
- The transcript of Pastor Linman's sermon
The following have been posted to YouTube; here is the YouTube Playlist for December 20, 2020:
- Lighting the Advent Wreath
- Musical Meditation: Fantasia on "Helmsley", Alan Rideout
- Psalm 89:1-4, 19-26
- Pastor Linman's recorded sermon
- Hymn #265, “The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came"
- Hymn #257, “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel"
Advent Devotional
Click below to prayerfully read this week’s Advent devotion written by a member of Resurrection Church. There will be a written reflection and invitation to prayer for each of the four Sundays in Advent based on selected verses from each Sunday’s first reading from the lectionary. Many thanks to our members who have generously offered their time, energy and creativity to serve our communal devotions during Advent.
Dear members of God’s family at Resurrection Church,
Today’s gospel reading suggests that our waiting and watching during Advent has a quality of mystery in the unknown that calls us to still deeper faith in Christ. If you are able, join the congregation with your own worship at home at 10am EST on Sunday or otherwise engage our home worship resources in ways appropriate to your circumstance.
Worship Service
A pre-recorded worship service, complete with readings, Pastor Linman's sermon, prayers, and music will broadcast at 10am EST on Sunday, December 13, on our YouTube channel and will be available below:
Worship material for December 13, 2020
- Home Worship Bulletin for December 13, 2020
- Children's Bulletin for December 13, 2020
- The transcript of Pastor Linman's sermon
The following have been posted to YouTube; here is the YouTube Playlist for December 13, 2020:
- Lighting the Advent Wreath
- Musical Meditation: "Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland (Savior of the Nations, Come)” Paul Siefert
- Psalm 126, arranged by William Bradley Roberts
- Pastor Linman's recorded sermon
- Hymn #246, “Hark! A Thrilling Voice is Sounding!"
Hymn #239, “Hark, the Glad Sound!”
Advent Devotional
Below is this week’s Advent devotion written by a member of Resurrection Church. There will be a written reflection and invitation to prayer for each of the four Sundays in Advent based on selected verses from each Sunday’s first reading from the lectionary. Many thanks to our members who have generously offered their time, energy and creativity to serve our communal devotions during Advent.
Reflection based on Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11
Isaiah is speaking to Israel when times have been very tough, and tells of God’s promise that next year will be better, in every way.
How appropriate for Advent, the beginning of the church’s year, particularly in a year that has been so distressing. We can see that, although things are far from being back to normal, we already see signs of hope.
Through Isaiah, God tells Israel, and us, that those who persevere in following the Lord even during adversity, will be His chosen people and will be rewarded in the new year and continuing in the future. One thinks also of the parallels to the beatitudes in the 5th chapter of Matthew.
At the end, in verse 11, Isaiah likens God’s promise to a garden returning in the spring, after a bleak winter. So, too, what Isaiah calls “the year of the Lord’s favor” will return over and over.
The prayer appointed for this Sunday in our current worship book follows the traditional “stir up” theme of Advent prayers. But Thomas Cranmer, in the 1549 Anglican Prayer Book, translated a different prayer into English from Latin that is apt for this time of long nights, when we long for the hoped-for light of Christ:
Lord, we beseech Thee, give ear to our prayers, and by thy gracious visitation lighten the darkness of our hearts, by our Lord Jesus Christ.
Ms. Angie has a new Children's Message for the children of RELC! Click below to view:
Dear members of God’s family at Resurrection Church,
Today, as Advent continues, our readings proclaim comforting words of promise and feature John the Baptizer’s ministry of directing our gaze to Christ. If you are able, join the congregation with your own worship at home at 10am on Sunday or otherwise engage our home worship resources in ways appropriate to your circumstances.
Worship Service
A pre-recorded worship service, complete with readings, Pastor Linman's sermon, prayers, and music will broadcast at 10am on Sunday, December 6, on our YouTube channel and will be available below:
Worship material for December 6, 2020
- Home Worship Bulletin for December 6, 2020
- Children's Bulletin for December 6, 2020
- The transcript of Pastor Linman's sermon
The following have been posted to YouTube; here is the YouTube Playlist for December 6, 2020:
- Lighting the Advent Wreath
- Musical Meditation: "Comfort, Comfort Ye My People”, Egil Hovland
- Psalm 85:1-2, 8-13 ELW 6 and 14, Refrain: Mark Sedio
- Pastor Linman's recorded sermon
- Hymn #256, “Comfort, Comfort, Now My People"
Hymn #243, "Lost in the Night"
Advent Devotional
Click below to prayerfully read this week’s Advent devotion written by a member of Resurrection Church. There will be a written reflection and invitation to prayer for each of the four Sundays in Advent based on selected verses from each Sunday’s first reading from the lectionary. Many thanks to our members who have generously offered their time, energy and creativity to serve our communal devotions during Advent.
Ms. Angie has a new message for the children of RELC! Click below to view:
Dear members of God’s family at Resurrection Church,
Today, as we begin a new church year on this First Sunday of Advent, our attention is turned in hopeful anticipation of our Savior’s coming even when our days are also filled with foreboding. If you are able, join the congregation with your own worship at home at 10am on Sunday or otherwise engage our home worship resources in ways appropriate to your circumstances.
Worship Service
A pre-recorded worship service, complete with readings, Pastor Linman's sermon, prayers, and music will broadcast at 10am on Sunday, November 29, on our YouTube channel and will be available below:
Worship material for November 29, 2020
- Home Worship Bulletin for November 29, 2020
- Children's Bulletin for November 29, 2020
- The transcript of Pastor Linman's sermon
The following have been posted to YouTube; here is the YouTube Playlist for November 29, 2020:
- Lighting the Advent Wreath
- Musical Meditation: "Once He Came In Blessing", by John Leavitt
- Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19
- Pastor Linman's recorded sermon
- Hymn #244, “Rejoice, Rejoice Believers":
Hymn #435, “Lo! He Comes with Clouds Descending":
Advent Devotional
Click below to prayerfully read this week’s Advent devotion written by a member of Resurrection Church. There will be a written reflection and invitation to prayer for each of the four Sundays in Advent based on selected verses from each Sunday’s first reading from the lectionary. Many thanks to our members who have generously offered their time, energy and creativity to serve our communal devotions during Advent.
Ms. Angie has a new message for the children of RELC! Click below to view:
Dear members of God’s family at Resurrection Church,
Today is Christ the King Sunday when we contemplate the nature of Christ’s rule in our lives and in the world from the throne of grace and mercy. If you are able, join the congregation with your own worship at home at 10am on Sunday or otherwise engage our home worship resources in ways appropriate to your circumstances.
Worship Service
A pre-recorded worship service, complete with readings, Pastor Linman's sermon, prayers, and music will broadcast at 10am on Sunday, November 22, on our YouTube channel and will be available below:Worship material for November 22, 2020
- Home Worship Bulletin for November 22, 2020
- Children's Bulletin for November 22, 2020
- The transcript of Pastor Linman's sermon
The following have been posted to YouTube; here is the YouTube Playlist for November 22, 2020:
- Musical Meditation: Old Hundredth, by Piet Post
- Psalm 95:1-7a, arranged by Mark Sedio
- Pastor Linman's recorded sermon
- Hymn of the Day, #634: “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name”
- Hymn #883: “All People that on Earth do Dwell”
- Choir Anthem: “He, Watching Over Israel” from the Oratorio “Elijah”, Felix Mendelssohn
Ms. Angie has a new Children's Message for the children of RELC! Click below to view:
Dear members of God’s family at Resurrection Church,
Today, we turn our attention to Stewardship Sunday at Resurrection Lutheran Church, but more importantly, today’s readings point us yet again to Jesus Christ and the promised reign of God made manifest in Christ. If you are able, join the congregation with your own worship at home at 10am on Sunday or otherwise en- gage our home worship resources in ways appropriate to your circumstances at home.
Worship Service
A pre-recorded worship service, complete with readings, Pastor Linman's sermon, prayers, and music will broadcast at 10am on Sunday, November 15, on our YouTube channel and will be available below:
Worship material for November 15, 2020
- Home Worship Bulletin for November 15, 2020
- Children's Bulletin for November 15, 2020
- The transcript of Pastor Linman's sermon
The following have been posted to YouTube; here is the YouTube Playlist for November 15, 2020:
- Musical Meditation: “Let All Things Now Living,” David Cherwien
- Psalm 90:1-12, setting by David Cherwien
- Pastor Linman's recorded sermon
- Hymn #730: “Lord our God, With Praise We Come”
- Hymn #678: “God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending”
Music Notes
Hymn of the Day: “Lord Our God, With Praise We Come” ELW 730
TEXT: Petter Dass (1647-1707), Peter A. Sveggen, tr. (1881-1959)
TUNE: ROMEDAL, Norwegian traditional
The tune, ROMEDAL, is named for a village in Stange, Hedmark. The phrasing and accents of this traditional Norwegian tune match the text. The meter is the only one of its kind in this worship book. The hymn text is part of Petter Dass’s lengthy commentary on the first petition of the Lord’s Prayer.
Musical Meditation: “Let All Things Now Living,” David Cherwien
Although the tune ASH GROVE is very popular, found in many hymnals and set to many texts, the tune is most often associated with “Let All Things Now Living.” It is a Welsh harp melody made known outside Wales by a succession of harpists in the 17th-19th centuries.
David Cherwien, Artistic Director of the National Lutheran Choir, a nationally known conductor, composer, and organist. Is known for his contributions to the field of church music and liturgy, he is in demand as a clinician and hymn festival leader across the country.
Ms. Angie has a new message for the children of RELC! Click below to view: