Children and Youth Ministry
Children categories
Spiritual Education
Spiritual Education occurs in the fullness of the life of the church, not only in designated education times. Resurrection understands spiritual education as an aspect of faith formation, and we seek to provide creative, lectionary based, mixed age environments for learning.
May this season of Easter bring delight and mystery into your evolving spiritual practices, particularly in this time of engulfing grief and unknowns. Prepared for you is the next Home Faith Resource calendar, linked below, that I've put together, reflecting April 13th through June 7th, Trinity Sunday.
Incorporated into this resource are weekly programming that I continue to lead for youth and families, as well as an array of resources for you to engage with.
Examples include weekly Compline nightly prayer services, Bedtime Stories, Confirmation and Saturday Morning Spiritual Education Classes, Friday afternoon youth Zoom calls, as well as activities for you to engage with on your own time as prayer, meditation, spiritual and creative practices, and Scripture readings.
This calendar will continue to be updated to include recordings of past programming , any additional scheduled programming, and available community resources for your continued convenient access.
May you be aware of God's activity in your life in meaningful ways, and may your health, safety, peace of mind, and relationships continue to be nurtured and tended.
In community,
At the beginning of August, the 2019 ELCA Churchwide Assembly convened. A number of decisions were made at that forum. Bishop Eaton was elected to a second six-year term. Patriarchy was declared a sin, and a sin in the Church, with the approval of the social statement, “Faith, Sexism and Justice: A Call to Action”. The ELCA declared itself to be a sanctuary body. A memorial was passed encouraging congregations to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the ELCA’s ordination of women in 2020.
The ELCA adopted the “Strategy Toward Authentic Diversity in the ELCA”, which consists of a report and recommendations on how the institution integrates racial diversity goals and outcomes. The ELCA declined to join the Poor People’s Campaign. The ELCA adopted a resolution supporting the World Council of Church’s “Thursdays in Black” campaign working to combat sexual violence. June 17th will be observed as a day of repentance in the ELCA for the martyrdom of the Emmanuel 9.
What I’d like to draw our specific attention to as a congregation is the Declaration of the ELCA to People of African Descent. On June 27th, 2019, the Churchwide Council of the ELCA adopted this declaration.
God’s Agent of Change conjures up images of a mighty band of superheroes with secret missions. When we take on the mission of being God’s agent of change in the world, we must be ready to be transformed – individually and together.